Medical Insurance Plans
Below is a current listing of insurance plans, by carrier, that River Valley Health currently participates with. Should you have any questions regarding whether or not your insurance plan is accepted at our facility, please feel free to contact a member of our Billing & Financial Services team at (570) 567-5420 for more assistance.
Participating Medical Insurance
- Advantra
- Aetna, Aetna Better Health
- Amerihealth Caritas Northeast
- Assurant
- Bankers Life and Casualty
- Bravo
- ChampVA
- Cigna
- Community Care Behavorial Health
- Group Insurance Service
- Health Options Program (HOP)
- Humana: PPO, Gold
- Medical Assistance
- Medicare A and B
- Motor Vehicle Accidents
- New Era Life
- Oxford
- PA Health and Wellness
- Royal Neighbors of America
- Todays Options
- TriCare
- Trustmark
- UPMC: All Networks
- Vibra Health
- Common Illness
- United Healthcare: PPO, Community Plan
- Health America/Health Assurance: PPO, HMO
- Geisinger: HMO, Gold, PPO, POS, GHP Family, GHP Kids
- Highmark: First Priority Life, First Priority Health, First Priority Health for Kids, Blue Cross Blue Shield, Federal Employee Program

Participating Dental Insurance
- Aetna Better Health
- Amerihealth Caritas Northeast
- Blue Cross Dental
- Cigna
- Delta Dental: PPO, Primier
- DentaQuest
- Geisinger Family (AVESIS)
- Geisinger Gold
- Guardian
- Lincoln Financial
- Medical Assistance
- MetLife
- United Concordia: Advantage Plus, Advantage Plus 2.0, Alliance, Chevron Dental, CHIP, Comcast/NBC Universal Elite, Elite Plus, Gateway, UGI Dental
- UPMC: Most Networks
Health Insurance Marketplace
We Are Here To Help You!
As a team, we can help you find affordable healthcare coverage.
If you or someone you know does not have health insurance they are strongly encouraged to apply for health insurance through the Department of Human Services, or receive assistance with the Health Insurance Marketplace by contacting our Financial Services Representative.
We also assist with medical assistance applications.
To schedule an appointment at (570) 567-5400, Option #5.
For more information related to the Health Insurance Marketplace and to see available plans.

Loss Of Health Insurance
You may qualify for a special enrollment period if you or anyone in your household lost qualifying health coverage in the past 60 days OR expects to lose coverage in the next 60 days.
- Losing job-based coverage
- Losing COBRA coverage
- Changes in household size
- Losing eligibility for Medicare
- Losing eligibility for Medicaid or CHIP
- Losing coverage through a family member
- Losing individual health coverage for a plan or policy you
bought yourself
You may qualify for a special enrollment period if you or anyone in your household lost qualifying health coverage in the past 60 days OR expects to lose coverage in the next 60 days.
- Got married. Pick a plan by the last day of the month and your coverage can start the first day of the next month.
- Had a baby, adopted a child, or placed a child for foster care. Your coverage can start the day of the event – even if you enroll in the plan up to 60 days afterward.
- Got divorced or legally separated and lost health insurance. Note: Divorce or legal separation without losing coverage doesn’t qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period.
- Death – You’ll be eligible for a Special Enrollment Period if someone on your Marketplace plan dies and as a result, you’re no longer eligible for your current health plan.
Changes in residence – Household moves that qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period:
- Moving to a new home in a new ZIP code or county
- Moving to the U.S. from a foreign country or United States territory
- A student moving to or from the place they attend school
- A seasonal worker moving to or from the place they both live and work
- Moving to or from a shelter or other transitional housing
Note: Moving only for medical treatment or staying somewhere for vacation doesn’t qualify you for an Special Enrollment Period.
Important:You must prove you had qualifying health coverage for one or more days during the 60 days before your move. You don’t need to provide proof if you’re moving from a foreign country or United States territory.
More qualifying changes – Other life circumstances that may qualify you for a Special Enrollment Period:
- Changes that make you no longer eligible for Medicaid or the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP)
- Gaining membership in a federally recognized tribe or status as an Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Corporation shareholder.
- Becoming newly eligible for Marketplace coverage because you became a U.S. citizen.
- Leaving incarceration.
- AmeriCorps VISTA members starting or ending their service.